Apex Legends | |
Developer | Respawn Entertainment |
Release Year | 2019 |
My Score | 8 / 10 |
Console Used | PC |
Apex is my second most played game, at least on record. Minecraft probably takes 1st place, but there's no way to track it. FFXIV takes 1st in recordable hours, 1,688 hours as of today. Initially, I was morally against battle royale games. In college, a group of friends I had made got me into it. My laptop at the time maxed out at 25 fps, but I still had fun playing with them. Eventually, I got a new computer - a desktop. Now with my quality of life so very increased, I got much more invested into the game. I actually spent a lot of time playing alone, playing ranked as Wattson. I got to Diamond that season, and it was such a slog. I was glad to have an understanding of where I lay relative to the player base as a whole. In a way, I think playing on that old as hell laptop was like training with weighted clothing. Diamond that season, if I recall, was top 30%. I ended up kind of dropping the game though, since I stopped hanging with that group and I had no desire to play by myself without any objective.
A couple years later, I forget how it started, Dylan and Jon wanted to get into it, with the knowledge that I had history with the game. They aren't very good, especially when they started, but it has been very fun to play the game again. At this point, I think they just need to practice aim and movement during combat. If they did that, I think they would feel as skilled as they see me as.
I think what I liked about this game relative to the other battle royales was that their was a cast of characters with abilities. Fortnite and Call of Duty and even Realm Royale, everyone was the same. In Apex however, there were clear group synergies and strategy in understanding different team compositions. The movement from titanfall was also really fun, and the cast has a bouquet of personalities. As the game got updated and the whole vibe of the game has changed, it also has only improved. Crafting is super good, even when they reworked it. Evo shields to shield cores was a good change. Character balances have always been understandable. The gun meta gets a fair shakeup every once in a while, but it adds a bit of fresh air even when certain guns seem to always return to meta. Only downside is that I'm at about ~400 apex packs and still haven't gotten the heirloom shards.